source: jadwaltvterlengkap.blogspot.com |
Infotainment is a television program with combination of news and entertainment features. Infotainment usually discusses about someone's facts. Of course, it talks about famous people, like artists and public figures. It will expose anything that happened the people, like daily activities, concert schedules, fashions, hobbies, cars, houses, and so on. All of them can be reported and of course the infotainment always make them can be commercialized.
Infotainment can caused good effect and also bad effect. For example, if the infotainment talks about football match between Indonesia and other country, many people will watch the match or at least they know the news. So, it will inceases Indonesian people's nationalism indirectly. Another example, if the infotainment discusses about a student who won an international competition or got the best score for National Examination, the other students in Indonesia will be motivated by the news. They will study harder to get a higher score. And for the artists or public figures, maybe their popularity will increase because many people will know who they are from the infotainment.
source: simpsonswiki.com |
Even though the infotainment gives some good effects, it gives bad effects too. For women, the infotainment just wasting time. Many housewives become unproductive because they stay longer in front of the television to watch the infotainment. Beside that, the infotainment often talks about a divorce which happened to an artist. I think a divorce is a bad thing and it must be a privacy for him or her, but it is considered as an entertaining news by the infotainment. Of course it can disturb the artist and his or her family. Another bad effect is some children or teenagers make an artist become thir idols. So, it is very possible that they will imitate thir idols, like their fashions and lifestyle. It will be a very bad thing if the children or teenangers follow the bad habbit of their idols, like smoking.
From those informations, we know that infotainment can be a good thing or a bad thing. For parents, I think they should accompany their children when they're watching television. So, they can choose a good television program for their children. For the infotainments, I think they have to know that people have their own privacy, they can expose anything about famous people like artists, but not their privacy.
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